{ "agentName": "Nama Agen: {{agentName}}", "botTyping": "\u003cb\u003e{{botName}}\u003c/b\u003e sedang mengetik ...", "buttons.cancel": "Cancel", "buttons.enterAddressManually": "Cancel, I will enter the address manually", "buttons.goBack": "No, go back", "buttons.ok": "OK", "buttons.startNew": "Yes, start new", "buttons.yes": "Yes", "contact": "Kontak: {{contact}}", "contactEmail": "Surel Kontak: {{emailLink}}", "contactSupport": "Kontak dukungan", "email": "Surel", "errors.connectionToBot": "\u003cb\u003eError connecting to the bot:\u003c/b\u003e network connection lost or this bot has been unpublished by creator.", "errors.emailInvalid": "Email is not valid", "errors.emailRequired": "Email is required.", "errors.phoneInvalid": "Phone is not valid", "errors.phoneRequired": "Phone is required.", "getStarted": "Memulai", "modals.continueAnotherTab": "Would you like to continue conversation in another tab?", "modals.continuePrevConversation": "You have chosen to continue the previous conversation. Refresh the page to start the conversation here.", "modals.emailPlaceholder": "Enter Email", "modals.googleConnecting": "Connecting to Maps...", "modals.googleMapErr": "Error: failed to connect to location services. Please try to enter the address manually.", "modals.initPaymentError": "Impossible to initiate payment. Please try again later.", "modals.microphoneError": "Error, please check if your microphone is connected.", "modals.multipleConversations": "You have an active conversation in another tab. Do you want to continue existing conversation or start a new one in this tab?\u003cbr\u003e Note, previous messages will not be visible here if you start a new conversation.", "modals.phonePlaceholder": "Enter Phone number", "modals.startedAnotherConversation": "You have started a new conversation in another tab. Refresh the page to start the conversation here.", "moreStories": "Lebih Banyak Cerita", "noArticlesFound": "Tidak menemukan artikel", "popupTitleNewMessage": "New Message!", "powered": "Diberi Daya oleh SnatchBot", "readHere": "Baca Di Sini", "readMoreStories": "Baca lebih banyak cerita tentang topik ini.", "responsePopup": "Email has been sent to the specified address. Reply to the email to continue conversation with bot in email channel.", "sending": "Mengirim", "share": "Bagikan", "typingSpread": "mengetik pesan …", "viewOnWeb": "Lihat di Web", "website": "Situs web: {{websiteLink}}" }